INSTALLATION: The vast majority domestic and commercial property in Ireland will have a telephone line, usually located in some area that is not very convenient like for example just inside the main entrance. If you need your telephone socket moved or a new phone extension installed in a place that it will be used, just give us a call. Whether you decide you want an extra phone point in your attic conversion or in a bedroom for convenience or maybe you're in business and would like the convenience of multiple telephone points within your building all working off a standard phone line - we can help. We have saved countless companies time and money by installing extensions in security huts, in bars, garage workshop floors, warehouses, around factories buildings or within offices ect.

  • We Install - extra telephone points, fax, broadband & telephone extensions, anywhere in your building.
  • We Repair - Any type of problem such as broadband, fax & phone line faults.
  • We Replace - Old worn out and degraded phone wiring with modern, reliable materials.
  • We Move - Any type of landline socket to any location you choose.

ADVANCED FEATURES: If you would like advanced telephone facilities within your home or small business and don't want the cost of a full office telephone system but still have access to all the features like on-hold, internal call transfer, remote access to voicemail and forward incoming calls to mobile... and all for a fraction of the cost of a installing a dedicated office PABX system - Just make the call and we can help.

MOVE TELEPHONE SYSTEM: Your company may be moving offices or having renovation works completed and you need your telephone system PABX and handsets moved within your premises or relocated to the new building, Lynch Telephone Services can take care of the entire project from arranging your ISDN or PSTN lines to be temporarily redirected, the hardware transported and all the internal cabling and re-location works completed and so on.

Typical work we do...

  • Sockets for Sky TV
  • Sockets for broadband Eir / Sky
  • Cables that have been cut
  • Fax points installed / moved
  • Points for PDQ credit card machines
  • Phone line added to external buildings
  • Resolve buzzing, crackling or fuzzy audio
  • Moving telephone system
  • Cabling / sockets moved for renovation
  • Internal Wiring Issues
  • Phone extension installed to bedroom
  • Underground ducting and cabling for private premises
  • Underground multi core cabling installed for construction works
  • Sockets installed into new extensions

REWIRING: Many homes and businesses around the Dublin area have very old phone cabling which can lead to poor quality of service and can also make the inside of your premises look tired and dated. If you would like to make improvements to your property, its often best practice to simply to remove the old cabling that's in place and start again with a fresh new installation which will leave you with a 100% reliable service and will also look much more discreet and modern.